Search results

  1. Cyber_Dav

    Can I flip my Cybertruck for profit?

    Yeah, but if he wants to make money flipping it, I would pay to watch! :oops:
  2. Cyber_Dav

    Cybertruck country songs

    Not to be too contrary, but "none of the above". To each their own. ;)
  3. Cyber_Dav

    Cybertruck reservation order number -- how to tell your place in line

    Possible. Seems odd you would get a reservation number (RN) instead of an order number. I thought Model S had five digit order numbers. :unsure:
  4. Cyber_Dav

    Cybertruck country songs

  5. Cyber_Dav

    Custom vanity license plates - have you ordered yours yet??

    Glad you clarified that. Some other interpretations are possible! :oops:
  6. Cyber_Dav

    Post your Cybertruck preorder reservation number!

    I like your thinking, but,,, no one even knows where it will be built yet. Maybe Elon will tell us in April, but Tesla needs to get moving if they are going to build a Giga Cyber! :)
  7. Cyber_Dav

    "Tesla Cybertruck" look alike makes live appearance at Esports event

    Not edited, that is a home-made CT in Russia.
  8. Cyber_Dav

    CyberTruck Hitch Camera?

    Your guess is as good as ours! :) (in other words, no one knows)
  9. Cyber_Dav

    Rumor: There will be no single motor Cybertruck! RWD model will be dual motor.

    Discussed lots. Use menu icon (3 horizontal lines) in top right corner. Still there.
  10. Cyber_Dav

    Wire Eating Rats

    Just my opinion (out here where mice chew wires) is that it won't be nearly the issue it is with ICE vehicles. Mice/rats like to make nests in the warm protected engine compartment. And that is mostly where the wires are they chew on. No engine compartment on a Tesla. :)
  11. Cyber_Dav

    "Tesla Cybertruck" look alike makes live appearance at Esports event

    From the article: [ First time I have heard this. I thought the reveal truck window was fixed then drives were given. What do others think or know?
  12. Cyber_Dav

    Robo Taxi - When?

    Thanks! Voted. :)
  13. Cyber_Dav

    Robo Taxi - When?

    I think one poll option should be "over 10 years, but in my lifetime".
  14. Cyber_Dav

    Custom vanity license plates - have you ordered yours yet??

    Well done. We're only allowed max 7 characters (or 6 plus a symbol).
  15. Cyber_Dav

    Cybertruck reservation order number -- how to tell your place in line

    You don't 'report' it, it is an interactive spreadsheet. You add your own data to it. caveat: I never got it to work, so my data isn't there. YMMV ;)
  16. Cyber_Dav

    Musk teases Giga Texas factory - for Cybertruck production?

    If they build a new factory for Cybertruck (anywhere, including Texas) does that mean no Cybertruck until that factory is complete? USA factory build times will match Giga Germany much more closely than Giga China. They better get building soon, I want my Cybertruck! :p
  17. Cyber_Dav

    Cybertruck reservation order number -- how to tell your place in line

    That is a possibility. Not likely S3X as they don't have reservations. Y doesn't seem likely, since Elon's announcement of Cybertruck res. matches our list too closely. Maybe Semi?
  18. Cyber_Dav

    Let's Talk Options

    Any idea who you will have do the leather? Or did you just mean Tesla's "vegan" leather?
  19. Cyber_Dav

    Cybertruck vs Rivian R1T - Specs and Visual Comparison

    At least that is how it appears right now. ;)
