
1. Ventilated seats
2. Massage seats
3. Surprise me
2. Massage seats
3. Surprise me
Theres an aftermarket module for massage seats in Model 3.Your No. 3 could easily be incorporated in to your No. 2 by, I would think, relatively simple augmentation of the actuators.
Love the idea of captains chairs for the front seats! Not sure how it would work with the centre seat in the way but a swivel chair would make it a veritable lounge space.1. Removable doors like the Bronco
2. Separate buttons for Heated seats for seat back and seat bottom for driver to help with back pain.
3. Front seats to be able to turn to the back so that you can have conversations with the people in the back seat.
4. Rear window can come down to access the bed.
give the single motor guys the 500 mile range and us dual motor guys 700 mile range?500+ mile battery for the single motor option. I care more about range than power.
Accessories???the truck is not even finalized yet!Are any companies making accessories yet? anyone has a link?
I love the idea of starlink in the truck. Starlink with a wifi hotspot could also service my house! Living in Australia we have some of the worst bit rates in the world. Starlink would bring us into the 21st1. Starlink
2. Speedo and other gauges in front of steering wheel
3. extra range
Also like winch option and especially like the real spare, mounted on a swingaway behind the tailgate.
...like Tim, the Toolman Taylor...ugh, ugh ugh...dual exhaust with stainless steel headers