
While i agree it wont ever be 10 dollars or 20 a month, but i think it does make financial sense to make the subscription price less than the price of FSD/5years. There is a reason most major software companies are going to a subscription model.Just to put a reminder out there: when EM said FSD might have a subscription model, he said it would be considered a more expensive option as compared to buying FSD outright. It's never going to be $9.99 like some of you have said, heck not even $19.99!
There has been speculation about what he said and the common theme is that it'll likely be hundreds a month on a subscription model. Think about it: if you owned an amazing software that took billions to create, would you go around saying "hey you can have those for $10k (or whatever the price then) or for $19.99/mo?" No way! You would likely price the monthly subscription at a rate that equals to the purchase price in 2-5 years.
If we factor in 5 years at the $10k price, that would be $167/mo. Just saying, don't get your hopes up over a magical "possible" subscription model being just a few bucks. This isn't Netflix we're talking about subscribing to, it's life-saving software solutions.
Anyway, it's been reiterated many times here, no risk to add FSD to your reservation now, so you'd be foolish not to. Even if you KNOW you'll never add it in the end, it's a free guarantee in the event that you decide that you would have changed your mind in the future when you're configuring your CT with a $15k price tags on FSD for example, that you would have saved $7k for risk-free guarantee.
Using an example. Let's say the "break even" for FSD is 10k/60 months = 166 a month. Let's say they set the subscription at 99 a month
Tesla Sells two cars.
Car A:
Sold 2020 with FSD
Car Price 50k
FSD Price 10k
Total Tesla Revenue = 60k
Car A is Sold to another buyer after 5 years, FSD stays with car
Tesla Revenue = 0
Sold again to another buyer after 5 years, FSD Stays with car
Tesla Revenue = 0
Sold again to another buyer after 5 years, FSD Stays with car
Tesla Revenue = 0
Assuming they keep it for 5 years, Total Tesla Revenue over 20 years = 60k
Car B:
Sold 2020 with FSD Subscription
Car Price 50k
User Subscribes to 99/month for 60 months.
FSD Subscription Revenue = 6k
Total Tesla Revenue for first owner = 56k
Car B is sold to another buyer after 5 years, User doesn't do subscription
Tesla Revenue = 0
Car B is sold to another buyer after 5 years, User subscribes for FSD.
Tesla Revenue over 5 years = 6k
Car B is sold to another buyer after 5 years, they only subscribe half the time.
Tesla Revenue over 5 years = 3k
Total Tesla revenue over 20 years = 65k.
Obviously lots of variable that can swing it either way (people might not ALWAYS subscribe to the negative, for the positive, they can potentially raise the price of FSD subscription over time as the feature set grows). I'm just saying it's not a slam dunk that it makes sense for them to price it higher than the 5 year loan split.