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  1. But How...?

    Yes, of course, that’s a huge part of the fun of it I imagine ?
  2. But How...?

    I was just thinking about why they don’t let the batterypack extend further under the bed instead of stacking under only cab, but that is probably the answer. As well the aforementioned tonneau cover roll, air compressor, chargers and transformers etc that needs to be put somewhere.
  3. Tight Wolverine Cybertruck Size Predictions and Visualizations (-3%, -5%, -8%)

    I’m euro and want the full size. When Elon can deliver the CT to the biggest truck market in the world (the USA) I don’t see them prioritizing making another smaller truck for a market (Europe) usually buying even smaller non-truck cars. The small $25k EV is likely first in line. I’m banking...
  4. Cybertruck Crash Test Predictions

    I understand you to mean big cars have more room for safety features incl crumple zones, but just want to mention that as far as I was told when reserving the Bollinger B1 EV SUV/Truck, it has a straight front screen right in front of your face and no airbags, and they evade several safety...
  5. Retractable Studded Tires

    I have just begun to get the hang of keeping the watt pedal in a bit to not accelerate or regen at all on the slippery turns up the mountains here. I’m getting used to the right pressure. It took a while for my reptile brain to stop instantly letting go of the watt pedal when slipping. Or when...
  6. Another comparison

    I don’t care especially for the “bulletproof” stuff. To me that just means it can take a thrashing. It will probably still not be an “armored vehicle”. But it might be a plus for police etc. Regarding the possibility to shut down the car in the app, I haven’t tried, but can’t you turn on Valet...
  7. How Will You Use The CT?

    The Model 3 is the daily commuter while the CT (if it gets sold here in the end) will be the weekend driver for trips to the cabin, to in-laws’ farms, winter and summer sports including eMTBs and sup/windsurfing. Also handy for moving the kids and their friends around. I’ll probably volunteer...
  8. Retractable Studded Tires

    I have both types on my cars but I prefer unstudded modern winter tires. On a truck like CT even more so I think. I’ve had horrible unexpected experiences with studded tires in certain weather types. AWD (and torque vectoring?) and the weight of the CT helps uphill anyway. Tesla wouldn’t be...
  9. But How...?

    I think this is good enough for me too. The possibility to grab something in the back through the window and it being a big enough opening to be able to crawl through either way in case of an emergency.
  10. Found a Petition for a Supercharger in College Station

    A Tesla 22kW destination charger at the hotel is likely an easier and faster fix. If not at a hotel but other temporary housing I would suggest slow charging from a socket. As you probably know supercharging really should only be done on trips if you want to keep the battery healthy (but maybe...
  11. Example Snow Plow

    Wow, that’s a cool plow. Hadnt thought of having one for going reverse. Tractors often have the plow on the back but for going forwards. I wonder if it would be as stable on the European hitch ball. And the transport mode means it could be on the car when going to the cabin to plow too. ? I...
  12. But How...?

    So it is known that the current cover rolls up as a roll under the back seat? I would have thought it rolled back under the floor of the bed. But because of pythagoras theorem or something that would leave a bit at the bottom of the cabin back wall of course. I agree this could all be solved to...
  13. Why Startups (and Tesla) Will Struggle with Electric Pick Ups

    Just got an email from Tesla yesterday that they’ve hit over 1000 superchargers in 70 locations for the Norwegian population of 5.3 mill for [expletive] sake. Lower per capita than the USA but I bet Ford hasn’t even thought about globally, not to mention an odd corner of the world. There’s...
  14. Cybertruck’s Yoke-Style Steering Wheel Revealed by Way of Model S and X Updated Interiors?!

    Why would this be a slower process in the federated USA than in the bureaucratic EU? Assuming they want to keep up with the times and it’s not just a case of actually different opinions on it. This is similar to the case of video side mirrors.
  15. If Tesla started a 'Halo' brand Co. Would you invest.

    What does a «Halo brand company» do?
  16. Miami mayor says Elon Musk will tunnel under the city for just $30 million

    I supervise 30 new railroad projects and they almost always involve at least one tunnel (often through granite) and this sounds on the cheap* side to me although not unfathomable in another western economy. Anyway, just afraid Elon is overly optimistic as usual and taking much of the risk...
  17. GM to go all EV by 2035

    Interesting. Some states are less populous than I thought. Happy that we’re in this EV revolution together with you though. Keep making cutting edge EVs! We have lots of room for power hungry factories beside hydropower plants if that would come in handy.? Norway’s the 5th largest exporter of...
  18. GM to go all EV by 2035

    We always cling to “per capita” numbers, haha ? In absolute numbers China always wins ?But, yes, we are «smöl» and are less than a medium city over at your place. Don’t matter much in the big scheme of things and dependent on other nations, but sometimes maybe we can make quicker changes of...
  19. GM to go all EV by 2035

    A Norwegian dealer seems to have accepted Ferrell’s Superbowl challenge with five short videos with not quite the same reach? (scroll past the Norwegian text) (Audi, VW and MB dealer unfortunately though).
  20. Hope this doesn’t happen with the CyberTruck

    I got a 2019 Model 3 LR AWD which I didn’t notice at first had its right hand rear side door sticking a bit out when closed. Clicked service in the app, spent an hour there on WiFi while drinking cappuccino and drove home with a properly aligned door. When there I even pointed at a little rough...
