Question for those who know production schedule better than I do: at what point with a new vehicle design do they start crash testing? Initial prototypes are the most expensive to build and my hunch is crash testing would be during a phase where this is some sense of scale production, not one-offs
Totally agree that sunlight, moisture, and “the elements” wreck weatherstripping on most cars. Hopefully Tesla can do some material engineering to reduce/eliminate the effects
Appreciate the perspective! ?
I think Apple was better off with Jobs, as we kinda saw when he came back and got their products, advertising, and stocks back on track/to record highs n s#
I hope they do! Would minimize the eyes-off-the-road time when you check your speed, etc. Our Prius and Leaf have nicely placed speedometers, better than M3&Y
I really liked driving my parents’ Model 3 ?? Super responsive, great interior. Model Y is preferable to me cuz of more storage, but putting that $65k towards the tri-motor CT is where I am at! ?✨?✨⭐?
The question is: what is the conversion time for a gas car driver to learn about EVs, be skeptical, research more, consider getting an EV, be influenced by ads/content/reviews while reading, narrow it down to 2-3 options, save some cash, get an electrician out to install a level 2 charger, and...
Totally agree with ya — each of the above will reach a percentage of the total available market ?
My guess at the saturation of all those examples? 35-45%, but that’s just me throwing a dart ?