Everyone has really points to make. We should also consider shipments. For example. Say someone in Florida has reservation #1 and a person in California has reservation #2. They will not just send 1 truck to each locations. They will send 10 or 30+ trucks. So with that said. If 30 trucks ship to Florida. The 30 people that have a res # ranging from 1 through 700k. Should get there truck most likely before someone with a lower res # in a different state. Provided that they ship those 30 trucks to those first list of reservation holders within that state or region. Another thing to consider is, a final delivery may fall through so a location May end up with a truck to sell quick. It's just a matter of communicating with a delivery location. This happens all the time with current models. One final thought. When the Cybertruck does start deliveries. It's going to be EPIC to see them on the roads. Happy Holidays Cybertruck Peeps. Be safe.