Search results

  1. GMC Hummer EV undergoes rigorous winter testing, SUV gets unveil date

    I feel like this was originally a tweet or two that got expanded into "an article". In the video, the music is the dominant sound while the Hummer does its thing. In a "normal" car commercial, if the muffler sound was pleasing, then it would be featured. We get neitherthe driver's experience...
  2. Engineering Explained: If Gas cars are banned, Can The Grid Handle Electric Cars?

    Uhh...I'm not sure you got what problem I was talking about. If people charged at night, the problem that YT video talked about would be solved. Do you people need to charge during the day? Of course. How and who and the details are a policy issue. That's a whole different thread about...
  3. Purchase Sight Unseen...?

    My first experience in a Tesla center was underwhelming. The model 3 test drive car wasn't ready, the autopilot didn't work, the rep said she would get back to us and never did, and the Model X layout made zero sense to our family. The whole thing was a bit of a waste. We ended up buying a...
  4. DOT numbers required. Best way?

    I've been trying to find a paint on stainless and paint on aluminum solution and the closest I found was epoxy, enamel or epoxy-enamel. Maybe this guy can hook you up with a good solution. :D .
  5. Tesla Looks a Lot More Like BlackBerry Than It Does Apple

    This comparison is stupid. "Blackberry was first mover and Tesla is first mover so...". A proper analysis would include the market cap of landlines and accessories (anyone remember wireless phones?) and the increase in user base because it was no longer household restricted. Then, the analogy...
  6. This Camper With 240-kWh Battery, Twin Motors Is An Electric Car Owner's Dream

    That's a great question. I started doing some napkin math. A 75kWh replacement battery pack with labor and the fixings is about 17K (about 13.5 for the pack). Let's go higher on the kWh because this is OEM so less labor and would not be needed three times as many parts. For just the...
  7. The cost of driving an EV?

    This could be a short book so I'll try to sum up. Environmentally, green house gases (ghg) and NOx (Nitrogen Oxide variants) are what is typically measured from the combustion of gas. There are, of course, other chemicals that affect the environment but when measuring EV vs ICE, these are...
  8. Texas retail customers pay more than traditional utilities in their state

    I never quite grasp unrestricted independence. The highways are from the federal government, medicare is too. Emergency services are welcome from local like the fire department all the way to FEMA for say...a hurricane. But, any time a suggestion that everyone pay a bit more and regulate the...
  9. Tesla Please Do This

    You said, "and know nothing about advertising" though you did just summarize the history of advertising and marketing. :D
  10. Tesla Please Do This

    I understand the marketing much more than I'm willing to write about. If that's the approach Rivian wants to take, have at it. I think Tesla is the wiser for not marketing. This forum is a mixed bag of truck-identifying people, people who want a CyberTruck though they never owned a truck, and...
  11. Overlanding Range

    Powerwalls have a usable capacity of 13.5Kwh. Let's assume for a second that the mounting and connecting and charging are already solved. The dual motor will likely have somewhere in the 100 to 125Kwh battery pack. That would put two powerwalls roughly at 25% to 20% increase respectively...
  12. Want the economic incentives for buying a Tesla in Virginia? Think again.

    Thanks for sharing. The last time I lived in Virginia, there were very few usury laws i.e. laws that protect the individual or consumer. (I find this ironic because usury laws were religious in origin and the religious influences and institutions were otherwise active at the time.) I don't...
  13. Maybe I shouldn't wait for the CT anymore.

    Everything you said and I'll add one more, I own a Prius and rarely went to the gas station before the pandemic and only 7 times in 2020. We now own a model 3. Nobody actually wants to go to a gas station. So glad to be done with gas and gas stations.
  14. Maybe I shouldn't wait for the CT anymore.

    "The solution to pollution is dilution.". Entire generations were brought up on this thinking. Also, Marlboro man and later Joe Camel. Benzene was used as campfire fuel, cleaning agent and is still part of still burned in gasoline today even though the maximum allowable is 1ppm in the...
  15. Maybe I shouldn't wait for the CT anymore.

    @WildhavenMI What I think I hear is your want your cool thing now (emotion) and some external event helps you to make the story (rational). You have a need, you have a solution already. It seems you want to solve the problem in a way that improves the environment. You can do that with the Y...
  16. Another Baja opportunity to see EV platform perform

    Apparently there is a BEV class that I didn't see originally. ( ) There are no restrictions or requirements for the Suspensions category.
  17. Another Baja opportunity to see EV platform perform (edit to add: These are the rules for the SCORE 250 class that I think the CT would be part of) It says "No air shocks" and "No secondary suspension allowed". I wonder what they would consider the CT's ride control...
  18. Elon Reconfirms Production Cybertruck Will be Around 3% Smaller. Factory Delivery / Pick Up Will Be Available!

    Fleet sales are for businesses that run fleets of vehicles. Their concerns are different and they have deeper pockets and use the piss out of their vehicles. Also, they buy significantly more, in blocks, and have demands of lower downtime. Anything from @Cybertrucktruck guy who does...
  19. Who's planning on a Cybertruck factory pickup / delivery

    1700+ miles from Austin to home, most of it on Interstate 10 going straight for 800+ miles, 24 hours of driving though desert and then boring as snot I-5 with some possible LA traffic thrown in for insult. Oh hell no!! Flying out for a tour and test drive? Sign me up.
  20. Bed Lining

    I get that T-slots would have a lot of other possibilities. We know that there will be L-track higher up. For tie-downs, what about L-track down low? Would that be sufficient? I've been thinking about the L-track in the CT, I don't get why it's so high. I want my O-link/pears/stud down-low...
