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  1. Musk: "several hundred thousand" orders received for the Cybertruck

    Minus what they spent on the factory, and cost of production (materials & labor). So not exactly 10B. If it costs 25k to make one, and sell them at 50k (just dual for now) and make 200k, that's 5 billion, minus 1 billion for the factory, so that puts it around 4 billion. Then subtract labor...
  2. Propane Generator Option For Longer Trips

    Great insights and you guys are very good at math, I will give you that! So good at math that I have a new challenge for you. So here's my challenge to you, should you choose to accept: What is your best educated guess of the battery depletion of a Dual Motor CT, that will go a distance of 20...
  3. Propane Generator Option For Longer Trips

    I think the most optimistic point here we can make is that battery day is coming up in September and if Tesla is going to compete with Hummer EV, Rivian, and Fords E Truck, I think we will see impressive improvements in the ranges that were released in the CT unveil.
  4. Propane Generator Option For Longer Trips

    Do all of you really think off-roading will drastically diminish the range? Tesla semi can do incredible things and go great distances while considering mountain passes. Is the CTs range accounting for highway mileage, agains wind resistance? I don’t think it’ll actually deplete that much...
  5. Propane Generator Option For Longer Trips

    20 Amps and 4900 watts is 14 miles per hour of charging. Here's the source:
  6. Propane Generator Option For Longer Trips

    The solar tonneau cover will charge up to 14 miles per DAY, maybe a little more. The generator option would be around 14 miles per HOUR. BIg difference there as far as the time it would take you to get yourself out of the woods safely. And of course the other 98% of the CT's use, not being...
  7. Propane Generator Option For Longer Trips

    Check out this cool video from Cybertruck Guy on Youtube. Creative option to extend those off-road trips to distances you didn't know could be possible. Like his channel!
  8. What is your biggest Cybertruck question you'd like answered by Tesla before committing to purchase?

    The website used to say late 2022 for Tri-Motor, but it doesn't anymore. Now it is late 2021 for Dual and Tri. Late 2022 for single RWD. You've seen confirmation on Tri being made first?
  9. What is your biggest Cybertruck question you'd like answered by Tesla before committing to purchase?

    Have you seen the specs of Tesla Semi and watched that unveil? Goes to show a bigger, battery-powered vehicle can do some incredible things at impressive distances. The 14,000 lb spec is for the tri-motor, which we don't even have a production start date yet. It would be more realistic to chat...
  10. What is your biggest Cybertruck question you'd like answered by Tesla before committing to purchase?

    This is going to be awesome to find out. Didn't Elon mention a cross-country drive with the CT? I wouldn't doubt they do some towing tests during this trip to give us some data!
