I ordered 7.234533534567 hours (smile) after announcement and figure there where about 60,000 RN's ahead of me at that point. Subtract about 20,000 for errors, dups, other Teslas and then half that due to cancelations (once Tesla gets close to production and asked for final configuration and...
Who thinks Tesla will design into the Cybertruck the ability for it to take on additional battery packs to extend range and/or towing - be those Tesla packs or third party packs? Wouldn't it be nice, for long trips, to "strap on" an extended pack in the bed for extra range? I'm thinking...
DM AWD ordered seven hours after the unveiling. No FSD for the Cybertruck as I will use it more when I’m in the LR AWD M3. Also, not much “there, there” yet either. :unsure:
Many thanks! Not sure why TMC has it under communities, but it’s nice having multiple sources of input. What’s more amazing to me is that Tesla’s own crappy forum doesn’t even have a Cybertruck sub forum. Everyone is using the M3 forum for Cybertruck chat!
First post in this forum/community; normally spend my time in TMC. Ordered my DM AWD Cybertruck shortly after the unveiling. Hoping for an accelerated production schedule, like the MY!