Search results

  1. Any future CT owners living in upstate NY, north of Watertown?

    I would like to set up some type of meet up with future CT owners that live near Potsdam or Massena to discuss potential CT business opportunities in the area.
  2. Local Cybertruckers Unite - Please add a Northeast USA section.

    Could I be the only Northeast USA, upstate NY Cybertruck owner? :)
  3. Cybertruck pop-up roof tent design (Flat Type)

    Thats nice! I'm hoping for a high top, 6 person tent with elastic side sections that can be set up around the back of the truck when the vault is open and ramp is down. So all that area can be used as enclosed camp space and then be packed away and put in a bag in the vault. Imagine...
  4. Did you notice the Cybertruck has built in steps?

    One foot on step and other on top of back tire.
  5. Cybertruck Rims?

    I like them too, but mostly because I'll be able to just take them off when I want to. As for curb rash, I live in the north country boonies and can't tell you the last time I parked our vehicles curbside.
  6. Yoke Steering Wheel in S, X Cybertruck. NHTSA says, ‘What you talking ‘bout, Elon?!”

    .. I like the yoke wheel and hope it will be the standard option on the CT. :)
  7. How many are buying CT that DONT actually NEED a truck?

    I don’t really need a CT, but it has what I would want in a car with better cabin space and the option to do more whenever needed. 500 mile range would be super. But.. I’m still kind of in shock though after watching the Z Motor Reviews cybertruck vs cybertruck finalized cybertruck video...
  8. Naming your CyberTruck

  9. Robo Taxi Thoughts?

    not nearly enough. It's still hard for me to see how people would really want to robo out their vehicle. Maybe its just because of my current job where I have to view what people do for 40+ hours a week in buildings and vehicles in parking lots etc. This includes reviewing damage...
  10. Apple Car expected to shake up auto industry in Asia and world - and other news

    To me, its not even about showing they can build it. The real challenge will be in building it in large numbers, after having it surpass tesla in ever category, including safety, software capabilities and price. That would be the only way that i would ever even consider purchasing one, and i'm...
  11. How do EVs deal with cold? 2021 Model 3/Y having trouble with super cold...

    Hi, My winters here in upstate NY get below -20F at times. I plan to keep it plugged in at home when it gets that cold. But, if i'm at work for a 12 hour shift and can't plug it in, just wondering how much loss i'm looking at. Any idea how much charge degradation at -15F with 5 mph wind...
  12. Who here plans on NOT babying their Cybertruck and will use it for heavy work?

    I plan to drive it like I stole it but won't try to smash it up hauling stuff that will screw up the investment. I want it to be the last vehicle I ever buy. *I'm not fond of the thought of how many people will be throwing items at our cybertruck windows when they see them parked in parking...
  13. Anyone polishing their Stainless Steel Cybertruck to a mirror like finish?

    Not going to polish my cybertruck. But, some stainless steel can be magnetic. If it is magnetic enough, the colored flexible vinyl magnetic sheeting by someone like magnetking could be a neat option.
  14. If you could request three factory add-ons, what would they be?

    Adjustable headrests Driver side HUD Cab to bed passthrough
  15. Jim Glickenhaus challenges Elon Musk to a Cybertruck showdown in the Baja 1000

    ya.. a 6 passenger full bed cybertruck or a 2 passenger cybertruck buggy?
  16. How many of u are holding or selling your tesla stock to buy a cybertruck on reservation day?

    I'll be taking out the original amount that I put into Tesla stock to put down on the truck and keeping 100% of the profits right in Tesla stock to let it ride until retirement. Nothing to risk at all.
