For anyone that stumbles across this thread, here's my answer.
Yes, it will be more expensive to drive the CT then compared to my Prius. Again, I know it's apples and oranges, but I just find it very misleading that MPGe DOES not really relate to MPG. In my...
Thanks for the reply! Certainly comparing the prius and cybertruck are apples and oranges. Again, at face value with the Cybertruck MPGe at 70~80 (maybe more) I just assumed it would be an instant cost savings. It's well within the realm of possibility that I'm a total idiot but it seems like...
Yeah, good point, I didn't mention that. It's a 2006 titan. I only drive it occasionally for errands and home projects. Not many miles put on. My prius is 95% of my driving.
Hey everyone,
I've probably read this article a zillion times: Cybertruck MPGe
I'm struggling however to fully understand MPGe. I currently drive a Prius and a Nissan Titan. The cybertruck will replace both. With all the math I'm doing, I'm struggling to see how I'll be saving money. If I...