We have RFT (run flat tire) no need of spare tire... and we are too old to change tire... I like side mirors, back camera at top, and long range of 1,000 km or 600 miles... opening from bed to rear seats...
Merci for your explanation... as we have a lot of cloudy sky (not like the lucky people of the south) and our electric price is the lowest... I will not invest in that for now...
Mes amis de l'île Nettles m'ont confirmé qu'ils resteraient une semaine confinés après le 3 nov. à cause du résultat qui pourrait attiser les tensions...Donc, en plus du covid... soyez sur vos gardes...!!! In God we trust... in everything else we check...!!! stay safe...!!! pas encore reçu le...
My son (dr. Éric Lampron-Goulet, md spécialiste en santé public) and his wife, Md Urgentologue, imposent us NOT to go in USA as long as the situation will be under controlled... see: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america?view=total-deaths&tab=trend where you can choose...
Usually we go 4.5 months in Fl... And we heat about 8,000 Square feet with 3 stories at ceiling of 10 feet high... this summer we had 4 "canicules"... need AC... Total coast of $3,100 yearly... But I expect less than $4,000 ...Also, we have 2 heat pumps of mitsubishi (Zuba) / 3 blades windows...
There is my copy of Hydro-Québec... all in CAD: DÉTAIL DES COÛTS – TARIF DOMESTIQUE D Du 17 juillet 2020 au 14 septembre 2020 (60 jours) Consommation totale 3 240 kWh Jusqu’à 40 kWh x 60 jours 2 400 kWh x 0,0608 $ 145,92 $ Le reste des kWh 840 kWh x 0,0938 $ 78,79 $ Frais d’accès au réseau 60...
Here in Québec, we produce electricity by damming big river in the north... So, our cost is around $0.06 CAD all day long... So, with the trimotor we will not really need that... But, I'M not oppose to that wonderfull idea especially where the production of electricity is from fossile (gaz...
Merci for your optomistic comments... We made 4 times the tour of your country... a lot of parks and beautiful sites to see... As we will not even travel by plane... the ct with fsd will be preferable,,, and to reach the super charger on 81 and 95 Hw as we will cross 1500 miles...From Québec to Fl.