If possible get a loan and sell enough stock as you go along to pay the loan. Over the last year this would have made a whole lot more sense than getting out of the stock.
I started saving for a Tesla by purchasing Tesla stock two years ago. I do not plan to pay cash by selling stock either. My stock has been going up a whole lot faster than a loan interest.
I understand utilities and would suggest that you not plan to reap huge savings from V2G. It would likely be closer to paying for your electric use by the vehicle.
I would like to know if FSD transfers with the sale of a car. If so I might buy a model y and then sell it when Cyber truck comes out. If FSD does not transfer then the value of the model y in two to three years is in question. Anyone know the answer?
I ordered the dual motor but want 500 mile battery. I need the third motor like a cat needs two tails. Anyone else in this boat? I plan to travel off the interstates where super chargers will not likely be installed in my lifetime.