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  1. Heavy-duty BEVs like the Tesla Semi won’t work—biofuels a better option: Bill Gates

    Not exactly sure of all the different Weights. But I would hazard a guess that the weights of the diesel engine, transmission, clutch, differentials and fuel would be similar to the batteries and electric motors. ???
  2. We're Giving Away Some Cybertruck Keychains (Contest Inside) [Winners Announced]

    I am so looking forward to having an electric vehicle I can truly use for anything. And to be honest, after test driving a 3, I am so looking forward to all the power and “tricks” planned for the CT. Excited can’t describe it.
  3. Charging in RV parks

    My wife and I have put down a deposit on a CT. It’ll be our first EV. We live year round in RV parks (Summer in Alberta, winter in Yuma). I am very unknowledgeable about electrical. Both parks have a plug for 50 amp, 30 amp, and 20 amp. Will we be able to charge the CT , but still use power for...
  4. Cybertruck Safety - airbags, impact bumper, etc?

    First time on a blog. I don‘t seem to see any airbags, or impact bumper. Is there a “list” of safety features yet? Or a description of potential/future safety features?
