I think one could make a convincing argument that Elon is taking guidance from Dune's Golden Path, with spice = fossil fuels. I am far from the first to suggest this connection. It does beg the question for me, however - is Elon more Paul, or is he Leto II?
Given that he is taking the first...
I drive one hybrid (Pacifica), and one ICE (Volvo). I have a reservation number that puts me around 20,000 in line for a CT and my plan was to replace the Volvo with the CT.
As a side hustle I do wildlife habitat restoration work. I get along just fine pulling a small trailer with my Volvo, or...
As I shoveled the drive of 13" of snow this morning, then got into my car to drive into work, the whole time I was driving I was thinking about if/how much better a CT might be in these large drifts we got here last night. I, most days, drive a Volvo - and you can tell it was designed by Swedes...
So I've been going through the process of "worst case scenario" planning for my personal field work applications for my CT, and I've think I've figured out my not-exactly-uncommon "worst" scenario.
There are a few days a year where I'm in-the-field, ~100-120 miles from home in the bush, on...
I head that term for the first time today - calling someone who comes into EV forums and threads to spread misinformation about EVs (typically the "expensive battery replacement" and "EVs are coal-powered" crowd) an ICE troll.
Which, obviously I know what a troll is, but adding that Skyrim...
I'm going to mural my CT like a 70s/80s astrovan. I have this idea for "angry pixies" ala AVE/Uncle Bumblef*#k meets wolves-howling-at-the-moon t-shirt and it's so bad I'm 100% committed to it.
Problem is I don't know where to get started.
Anyone know how the process on something like this...